Best known for such bestselling children’s and YA graphic novel series as Adventure Time, Steven Universe and Lumberjanes, indie comics house Boom! Studios is looking for a new hit with The Not-So Secret Society, an original middle-grade graphic novel that will be published by its children’s comics imprint Kaboom in Summer 2017.
The Not-So Secret Society is the story of a group of five ordinary 12 year old friends that go to school, hangout after class and have “awesome adventures,” said Arune Singh, v-p, marketing Boom! Studios. The book features a diverse group of young characters in “adventures that celebrate the value of teamwork, embracing difference, exploration and learning and lifelong friendships,” Singh said.
Produced in collaboration with Macrocosm Entertainment, a creative production house that produces comics and other media, The Not-So Secret Society is written by the team of Matthew Daley and Arlene Daley, co-created by Trevor Crafts and Ellen Crafts, with artwork by Wook Jim Clark. The book will go on sale for $9.99 in July.
Singh said the release of the standalone graphic novel will feature a “multi-level launch that will help to define the Boom! Studios program for the book market.” The book’s publication will be preceded by the release of 25 weekly digital mini-comics, available for free online at beginning January 31. The 25 weekly comics will also be collected and included in the book.
In addition, the book will feature supplemental educational content—including a science and technology component—as well as other educational activities aligned with Common Core standards. There’s also a newsletter that will be updated regularly with new educational and entertainment activities.
Co-creator Trevor Crafts said The Not-So Secret Society will be the first book in a series: “We have plans for two more graphic novels featuring The Not-So Secret Society.” He said that the weekly digital mini-comics will introduce the book’s main characters—Madison, Aidan, Emma, Dylan, and Ava—and give their backgrounds.
Singh said the book was Boom’s latest effort to celebrate and deliver diversity to a comics marketplace that is demanding a wider variety of material, particularly aimed at children and young adults. “The Not-So Secret Society reaffirm’s Boom’s commitment towards broadening the comics readership with a diverse array of high-quality storytelling that crosses all genres and demographics,” Singh said.